Friday, November 23, 2007

Wendell Berry on Gene Logsdon's novel, The Lords of Folly

"I know. You're going to insist that all that stuff you put into The Lords of Folly really happened, but I'll never believe it. You kept yourself awake hard to tell how many nights, rolling around in bed and giggling at the productions of your comic genius. Actually, truly I think the book is a delight. The funny parts are very funny. The humor is never overstated or off key. The book moves right along at the right pace. Except, I think, for too much of 'oh wow' , the dialogue is wonderful. The characters sometimes say some fairly preposterous things, but what they say is never improbable; one never doubts it. The comic questions of who is sane and how can you tell are also convincingly serious.
"I don't think anyone who knows you will be surprised at what a romantic novel this is."

-- From a personal letter written by Wendell Berry, poet, novelist, essayist and farmer to the author.

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